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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Color inside the lines

Yes, this is my child...William...Willy...Willster...Williard. Yes, he is anything but conventional and has taken me down some eye opening roads. No I do not approve of the tattoos. And yes, he is the very different identical twin to my other son Richie. Willy is pictured here with his 2 year old daughter...apparently all the twisted paths lead to her! Today we spent the day doing ordinary things including coloring. As Willy and Lili colored together, I overheard him tell her how to COLOR INSIDE THE LINES. WHAT???!!! The boy who has been coloring outside of the lines for all of his life - the boy whose favorite food in Kindergarten was Mango while everyone else's was Pizza or Mac N. Cheese...whose favorites songs as a toddler were "I'm Bad", "Burning Down the House" and "Bad Bad Boys Make me feel so good." I could hardly believe my ears which got me to thinking... When do we get squished into these little boxes? Does parenting make us safe..make us conventional...make us suck the creative life force out of ourselves and our children?

Secretly, I'm hoping that Lili will color outside of the lines...well maybe not as far as her daddy.

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