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Sunday, March 21, 2010

All My Breast Friends

Ta-Tas, Boobies, mammies, the girls, my rack...Save Second Base, Save the TaTas, Feel Your Boobies. All regularly overheard at the annual Komen Affiliate Leadership Conference in Dallas. It's hard to believe that less than 30 years ago (in my lifetime!) - you wouldn't have overheard these funnies ANYWHERE. In fact you wouldn't have heard ANYONE talking about breast cancer in ANY fashion. It wasn't even written in print. Women were diagnosed and not told what they had or like Susan G. Komen - have a lump removed and proclaimed "cured." Our founder, Nancy Brinker, was one woman who set out to change that as a promise to her sister Susan G. Komen, after her death at age 36 to this disease. She reminds me that one person can be heard...and then another...and another...and pretty soon you have a global movement where women everywhere are finally HEARD. I truly believe if anyone is going to find a cure for cancer, it will be with the help of this female energy activist organization that I am proud to be a part of.

To the 1,000 women and men from all over the globe who shared these few days with me, it was a great place to not only hear your experieces but to be heard.

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