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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wal Mart

If you really want to tune in to people, there are two perfect places: The Airport and ....Wally World. While I philosophically hate shopping at Walmart, it provides so much good material that you must go there and just listen. Don't shop. Or shop if you must, but really you have to listen. Depending upon the part of town you are in, you just can't help hearing funny stuff. As I have moved out to BFE Texas, where Mullets are the preferred hair style in my local ears have been burning up. However, my favorite Walmart ear candy to date came from college town Walmart.

Two obvious Freshmen boys, purchasing supplies for their living quarters.

DUDE. SWIFTER IS THE SHIT! We have to get the swifter.

Now everytime I use my swifter, I laugh.


  1. More Wal-Mart-based humor at Check 'em out

  2. Elaine - thanks! Have you ever hung out long in the Lake Worth Wal-Mart - especially after 10 pm? It's a weird, weird, world.

  3. Oh no, oh no. Several years ago, I went through a stretch where every time I went into a Wal-Mart (which was because I was with someone who wanted to go - not because I initiated the visit), something happened to pi** me off. Narrow congested aisles, thirty checkout lanes, of which only four were active, dense employees, no employees visible when I was looking for something in particular, you name it. I finally decided that there were other places in the world where I could spend my money, and so I have.

    Being out that late at night is bad enough as it is (she said as someone who works two swing shifts and an overnight every week), but spending long hours at such a place that late at night qualifies as nothing short of punishment.

  4. Swifter IS the shit! :) Loving your blog!
