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Monday, March 22, 2010

Out of the mouth of babes

The sunshine in my life is my granddaughter Liliana or Lili for short. I came into grandparenthood kicking and screaming - as it turns out - all wasted energy because she is the BEST THING in this whole wide world. She's about to turn 2 (the day before my birthday!) and very verbal and stubborn like someone else she is related to. Listening to her is a lot of fun and translating is also pretty fun. For example Ba-Do means Where are you?

The other day she was brushing Pete's hair and she got to the bald spot on top and said in utter dismay:

"PaPa What happened?"
We never heard the answer but have laughed on that one for days. As you can tell, Lili is not short on hair at all!!

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